
Conventional, fixed-route bus operations is the focus of the course. The course is conducted as a series of lectures and workshop sessions. Topics of the lecture/workshop sessions include:

  • Service Area and Route Characteristics. Types of travel, socioeconomic, geographic characteristics, and equity and community policies important to service planning; common network designs; and key transit terminology.
  • Goals, Objectives, Measures and Standards. A framework for service evaluation and examples of frequently used measures and standards.
  • Data Collection. Data needs; data collection techniques for existing and potential users; and a data collection program.
  • Service Analysis. Analysis process; system level analysis techniques; route level procedures; and sub-route analysis.
  • Service Improvement Concepts. Operating strategies; schedule adjustments; alignment changes; system-wide and network redesign changes; service type changes; and ADA implementation issues.
  • Schedule Preparation. Route characteristics; schedule writing; run cutting; and driver rostering.
  • Cost Allocation and Cost Estimation. Theory; fully allocated costing methods; and incremental costing methods.
  • Demand and Revenue Estimation. Demand estimation techniques and applications; and revenue estimation procedures.
  • Service Change Implementation. Elements of a service program; considerations in program implementation; and strategies for program monitoring.